South Korea Trip

Back in August 2022, I had the opportunity to visit South Korea. I was in Busan for work and spent a few extra days in Seoul afterwards, for a total of nine days. Here are some photos and some of my impressions from this excellent trip.

Travelling and staying in …

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COVID-19 Symptoms and Disease Progression

Coronavirus disease, COVID-19, or SARS-CoV-2 sucks, as we experienced ourselves recently! It is best to avoid getting it if you can.

When a close family member first contracted it in late 2021/early 2022 despite being triply vaccinated, we were extremely anxious and worried. One factor contributing to …

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Peaks and Ridges of the UK List with Photos

This is a list of major peaks and ridges in the UK that are of particular interest for mountaineering, scrambling or rock climbing. I have marked the ones which I have climbed and I provide photos and GPS measurements of their summits, where they could be acquired.

Tryfan's characteristic North ridge as seen from the valley.
Tryfan’s characteristic North ridge as seen from the valley.
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Blog Switched to HTTPS Secured Access

Date Tags tech / UK

I have made a few technical changes to the blog and the website over the last few days. The most visible ones are that the access to the website is encrypted by default now, i.e. you will see in the address bar that the URL starts with https and …

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Summer Cleanup of the Blog

Date Tags tech / UK

Over the last few weeks, I have done a general cleanup of the blog. It mostly dealt with layout changes and improvements to the way content is presented. The aim was to make it easier to discover all the content, to browse and to read it.

For example, I have …

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