Bouldering and Climbing Gym Comparison

Here is a simple comparison of some of the bouldering and climbing gyms I have visited. The list is sorted by decreasing bouldering or climbing surface and the number of routes or problems. I personally visited each of the gyms at least once and typically several times. The ranking is …

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Countries Visited So Far

While preparing our holiday and travel plans for 2024, I decided to look at what countries I visited in the past to see what interesting places we might have missed. The easiest way to do that is using one of the freely available countries or places visited websites. I chose …

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Peaks and Ridges of the UK List with Photos

This is a list of major peaks and ridges in the UK that are of particular interest for mountaineering, scrambling or rock climbing. I have marked the ones which I have climbed and I provide photos and GPS measurements of their summits, where they could be acquired.

Tryfan's characteristic North ridge as seen from the valley.
Tryfan’s characteristic North ridge as seen from the valley.
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Blog Switched to HTTPS Secured Access

Date Tags tech / UK

I have made a few technical changes to the blog and the website over the last few days. The most visible ones are that the access to the website is encrypted by default now, i.e. you will see in the address bar that the URL starts with https and …

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Summer Cleanup of the Blog

Date Tags tech / UK

Over the last few weeks, I have done a general cleanup of the blog. It mostly dealt with layout changes and improvements to the way content is presented. The aim was to make it easier to discover all the content, to browse and to read it.

For example, I have …

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