Peaks and Ridges of the UK List with Photos

This is a list of major peaks and ridges in the UK that are of particular interest for mountaineering, scrambling or rock climbing. I have marked the ones which I have climbed and I provide photos and GPS measurements of their summits, where they could be acquired.

Tryfan's characteristic North ridge as seen from the valley.
Tryfan’s characteristic North ridge as seen from the valley.
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Peaks of Australia List with Photos

In the following, I have assembled a list of all major and some minor peaks in Australia, ordered by state. I give a short description, show a photo or two and list the official elevation. Besides, I provide the coordinates and altitudes that I measured using a GPS device when climbing the mountains.

James takes a photo behind the summit cairn on Mt. Jerusalem.
James takes a photo behind the summit cairn on Mt. Jerusalem.
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Climbing Mulhacén: Day 2 — Summit Push and Descent

This is the second part of a trip report of the ascent to Mulhacén, the highest mountain of continental Spain. We started at the Poquiera mountain hut and took the Western route up to the summit. You might want to read the first part before.

On the summit of Mulhacén. View towards the South. You can even see the Mediterranean Sea in the distance.
On the summit of Mulhacén. View towards the South. You can even see the Mediterranean Sea in the distance.
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Climbing Mulhacén: Day 1 — Capileira to Refugio Poquiera

This is the first part of a trip report of the climb of Mulhacén, the highest mountain of continental Spain. I started in the small mountain village of Capileira and reached the mountain hut Poquiera.

View down into the valley that I came through. Refugio Poquiera is behind me.
View down into the valley that I came through. Refugio Poquiera is behind me.
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