When I first started rock climbing in Australia back in 2013, there was a bit of unfamiliarity with the names of tools and techniques that I had used for many years in my home country, but of which I knew only their German names. As a result, I often had to ask for a visual presentation or demonstration.
To make the transition easier for other German speakers, here are the most important climbing related terms, both in German and English. This table should make it easier to start climbing in any English speaking country and should act as a cheat sheet. At the same time, it might be useful as a lookup table for English speakers who intend to climb in the Alps, or elsewhere where there is a large German speaking community.
Update 2018-09-30: After various recommendations, I have added a few more terms that might be useful to know.
German | English |
Klettergurt | (climbing) harness |
Vorstieg | lead (climbing) |
(Doppelter) Achterknoten | figure-of-eight knot |
Doppelter Bulin (Knoten) | double bowline knot |
Halbmastwurf (HMS) | Munter hitch, Italian hitch |
Mastwurf | clove hitch |
Prusik (Knoten) | Prusik (knot), Prusik hitch |
Sackstich (Knoten) | overhand bend, European death knot |
Spierenstich | stopper knot, double overhand knot |
Doppelter Spierenstich | (double) fisherman’s knot |
Ankerstich | girth hitch |
Einfachseil | single rope |
Halbseil | half rope, double rope |
Zwillingsseil | twin rope |
abseilen | to rappel, to abseil |
Karabiner | carabiner, biner |
jemanden sichern | to belay someone |
Bohrhaken | bolt |
Expressschlinge, Expresse, Exe | quickdraw |
Bandschlinge, Schlinge | sling (usually Nylon, Dyneema, or Aramid) |
Reepschnur | accessory cord |
Abseilachter | figure eight |
Klemmkeil | nut |
Schlappseil | slack (in a rope) |
übersäuert, dicke Arme | pumped (usally arms) |
(Routen) Tipps, Info | beta |
Zu! | take!, tight! |
Ab! | lower! |
Stand! | safe!, off belay! |